Growing Carrot

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21 Oct 15 Edward Hague (Australia - temperate climate)
I have carrots with tops as large as trees but little or no root what has gone wrong
26 Oct 15 Retz (Australia - arid climate)
Too much nitrogen will cause big leaves and little root. Plant carrot after and heavy nitrogen feeding crop.
24 Oct 15 Jo Christensen (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
With carrots you need very deep loose soil. If your soil becomes hard packed at any stage the carrots can't grow deep, hence the short fat carrots. My father grew amazing and huge carrots, he would break up the soil at least 30 - 40 cms and work in heaps and heaps of cow manure
23 Oct 15 eric (Australia - tropical climate)
mine was the same and then I read do not plant carrots in cow manure and what had I do yep so my carrots were small and curly and the tops lush and green so I figured it musted of been the cow pooh that did it.
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