Growing Carrot

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20 Dec 14 Ian (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
My carrots are bolting to seed with woody roots. Why is it so? Please help as this is the second crop to do this. I live in a cool climate in Tasmania, 600 metres above sea level. Crop planted mid tolate Sept. In loamy soil.
18 Jan 15 Ferran (Australia - temperate climate)
Carrots will bolt if they get to dry or the tempreture gets too hot. This is what I suspect is the case. Lots of water with good dranage often a differant time of year. Make sure you have a variety which suits your region, I can't recommend because I live on the coast in NSW. The other main reason is too much nitrogen but this is diagnosed buy limited root growth and excessive leafy growth before they go to seed. It is not too late for another planting so try planting a row every two weeks keeping them nice and moist. Shade may be necessary on very hot days. I hope they work for you next time.
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