Growing Capsicum, also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers

Capsicum annuum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions

  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 64°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 8 - 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 10-12 weeks. Cut fruit off with sharp knife.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Egg plant (Aubergine), Nasturtiums, Basil, Parsley, Amaranth

Your comments and tips

06 Sep 17, Frank bouwer (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Hi im bussy putting up tunnels for my peppers where can i buy pepper plants that are ready for transfer planting im looking for aboout 2000 plant . Thank you
25 Jul 17, Kev (Australia - temperate climate)
my capsican plants were looking great and producing heaps of fruit, but did not finish off well. The problem that came up was the fruit started getting dry brown lines through them. I cannot find any information on this problem. Any feed back would be helpful.
07 Aug 17, Jennifer (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Kev, your post got me thinking I had the same problem with my capsicums, looked it up and it says that Thrips cause those brown scars.
10 Jun 17, Lyndal (Australia - temperate climate)
I have heaps of green capsicum in my garden which are long and thin. They don't appear to be growing any bigger or changing colour. I planted sweet mix capsicum and some are probably as long as 20cm but skinny and green. Are they ready to pick or how do I go about making them yellow and red. They have been in my garden for ages.
19 Jun 17, Mike (Australia - temperate climate)
You have (probably) planted a kind of capsicum the grows long and thin - mixed sweet caps. You have not planted the normal caps - round caps. Google how to grow caps or peppers and read about the different varieties. The guide on this website will tell you how long they should take until ready to pick and eat - something like 10-12 weeks.
11 Jun 17, Darren (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Lyndal, It's probably too late for your capsicums now. The only thing I would suggest is pick one or two that feel like they are almost ready, and leave them in a window sill to ripen. I did that with the last few capsicums from our crop this year, before pulling them up.
22 May 17, Maureen (Australia - temperate climate)
I have been harvesting my capsicum since early summer. They still have fruit and flowers. Should I pull up when I have picked the capsicums that are nearly ready. I want to start my winter garden and am not sure whether they just keep on being generous in their supply.
22 May 17, Giovanni (Australia - temperate climate)
As the winter sets in capsicum yield will diminish and a good frost will kill the plants. Capsicums are a short-lived perennial but you would be best to harvest what you can and then pull the plants out giving you room to plant your winter garden. Fresh plants in a new spot next spring would be best.
21 May 17, Ezekiel Godwin Etim (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
Good morning sir. place questions are . can I used one type of soils to plan this pepper. like green pepper. rad pepper and yellow pepper. am from Nigeria.
22 May 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
All peppers need the same soil. well manured soil and an even supply of water will give you a good crop. If you leave the green ones on the plant they will go red and the yellow ones will go orange.
Showing 121 - 130 of 521 comments

Could be a number of reasons ... A common ailment with capsicum is blossom-end rot. This condition just effects the fruit and not the plant blossom or flower. The condition gets its name because the symptoms appear at the ‘blossom end’ of the fruit. The first sign of blossom-end rot is that the end of the fruit becomes off-whitish to brown in colour and takes on a ‘sunken in’ appearance. As the fruit matures, these symptoms become more pronounced and the colour of the rot becomes dark brown to almost black. Blossom-end rot is caused by insufficient calcium supply. However, the most common cause is from irregular watering during the critical growing period of the young fruit. Even when calcium levels in the soil are sufficient, a plant receiving insufficient or irregular water will have difficulty absorbing and delivering calcium to the fruit. To control blossom-end rot. Boost the soil with calcium by adding lime, dolomite, gypsum or composted animal manures before planting the seedlings. Water regularly. Most capsicum crops continue to flower and bear fruit for prolonged periods of time, so ensure the soil around their roots is kept moist. Avoid fertilisers with a high nitrogen content. Nitrogen fertilisers will promote leaf growth at the expense of fruit, allocating calcium to the leaves instead of to the fruit.

- ej

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