Growing Capsicum, also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers

View the Capsicum page

25 Jul 20 Jack (Australia - temperate climate)
My capsicums have been stripped bare just the stem left about 14 to 16 cm high mind you it hasn't happened to the bigger one's. any advice especially on pesticides?
27 Jul 20 colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
If this happened suddenly, it was probably hornworm caterpillars--they can strip a plant almost overnight. I placed a bird feeder near my peppers and tomatoes, and birds are kindly taking care of the problem for me...but in the short run you might want to dust with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis). It's organic, considered highly safe, and will stop the caterpillars from feeding.
27 Jul 20 Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Probably some grub/caterpillar, look for killers of these at gardening centers or look up organic sprays on the internet.
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