Growing Capsicum, also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers

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25 Jan 17 Wendy (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I planted capsicum seedlings last October however they haven't seemed to have grown at all. I have fertilized them and watered them, used mulch but nothing :(. This is also happening to my eggplant seedlings which I planted at the same time. Please help
26 Jan 17 John (Australia - temperate climate)
I don't know where you live but I live in South-eastern Australia and we have had hot days followed by cold days and the same inconsistency with rainfall. My eggplants are well manured and composted and have started to flower but are only about 30 or 40 cmss high. Now that we are having some more consistent weather I am looking forward to some better results. Trust this helps.
17 May 17 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I'm in the sub tropical - Bundaberg. Over the years I have had very good caps and other years not so - little deformed fruit. I start planting in late Feb March. I have read recently that caps are a spring crop (Aug- Sept planting) so maybe that is the answer. I started some from seed and they are now about 10" high and looking good. My thoughts might be you planted a bit late. It starts to become very dry and hot by Dec and into January hot wet and windy. I don't grow things from Nov to Feb because of the different/difficult weather conditions in summer. It is a time I put some mulch and compost back into my soil.
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