Growing Capsicum, also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers

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30 Mar 16 Alex Clifton (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I am having trouble with a crop of capsicum. Despite fertilizing with Nitram several times as my crop gets older their leaves and stems are becoming floppy. Can anyone help me?
31 Mar 16 Lorna (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Alex and in the same climate zone as you. As your capsicums plants get bigger we stake them up by putting a stake at each end of the row and run string between them, run a small loop around the plant near the top and tie to the string ties, as the capsicums tend to weigh down the stems. If you are experiencing a lot of heat as we are with 30oc plus heats they may need more water too. We fertilize with Seasol once a fortnight and give them a side dressing of AG lime at the same time. Capsicums are a huge lover of calcium so their vegetables grow with lovely thick walls or alternatively put some washed crushed egg shells around the base will work too. Hope they perk up for you.

Hi, I am having trouble with a crop of capsicum. Despite fertilizing with Nitram several times as my crop gets older their leaves and stems are becoming floppy. Can anyone help me?

- Alex Clifton

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