Growing Capsicum, also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers

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10 Jan 13 Ferran (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have 5 capsicum plants in a 1 meter row i grew them from seed and after a month in seed mix they still only had their first set of leaves i planted them out thinking lack of nutrients may have been the cause. they all survived however have been growing rather slowly they are now 15-20 cm high they get at least 6h sun each day. i don't water them every day but i do keep the soil moist and they are mulched. the zucchini they were planted with have just come to the end of its life and it is in veggie soil mixed with compost from a trusted garden shop that has never had things grown in that bed before.i live between Sydney and Newcastle on the coast and have had a few 35c+ days recently. Am i just being impatient for caps? or is there such a thing as them being in the sun for too long?
10 Jan 13 DEdwards (Australia - temperate climate)
I am in a temperate region, and my capsicums are a late bloomers (planted them in October). Make sure you water them at the base, direct to the roots - an overhead sprinker hinders pollination. I had a few really late frosts in my area, I think this may have slowed down their growth as well. Be patient :)
16 Jan 13 Ferran (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
a friend who runs a garden shop told me that that it was a disease that her caps had got a few years ago as some of the leaves have turned golden and dry in some patches i think this may be the cause I am watching them carefully although perhaps having come to that conclusion i should pull them out. I planted some more of the same seeds in nutritious soil rather than seed mix (still in trays) and perhaps because of this or the warmer weather they are going relay well with thicker stems and wider greener leaves and the appearance of second leaves in week two (this is just healthy garden soil). hope fully these stronger pants will with stand disease. i am not afraid of frost where i am but will plant these new ones in a different patch of soil. thank you for your quick response.
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