Growing Borage, also Burrage, Bugloss

View the Borage page

29 Jun 18 Vicky Jacklin (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I am trying to attract bees to the garden and believe they love Borage. I live in Durban KZN and would like to fill two pots with Borage. Any other suggestions to attract bees to the garden bearing in mind that we have a troop of about 20 monkeys that destroy everything. They have pulled out my dianthus but strangely enough the Violas haven't been touched. I believe that placing a spoon of sugar water in strategic places also attracts bees?
15 Nov 24 Bee-Pie (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
Please don't put sugar water out for the birds or the bees. The sugar is sprayed with chemicals and has anti-caking agent in it, amongst other horrible things. This makes the animals very sick and they die.
17 Nov 24 N8urgirl (USA - Zone 11a climate)
Hummingbirds migrate to my area in October, then leave in April. I have put out a feeder every year for 20 years. What I have learned is not to bother with commercial (store-bought) nectar. The red dye can be bad and I was always concerned about the preservatives and how long the nectar was in the plastic bottle. What I’ve done for the last several years is bought organic CANE sugar only. Mix the sugar with filtered water in a 1 part sugar, 4 parts water ratio. Because I only have one or two hummingbirds (one year, I had five!), I fill the feeder only a quarter of the way. That way, it doesn’t go bad and I don’t waste what’s left when I clean the feeder and put fresh sugar water in it.
10 Jul 18 John (Australia - temperate climate)
Borage, lavender, rosemary and thyme will attract bees and are not likely to be very attractive to monkeys English lavender bushes aren't as soft as Italian or French lavender so they would be a better choice

I am trying to attract bees to the garden and believe they love Borage. I live in Durban KZN and would like to fill two pots with Borage. Any other suggestions to attract bees to the garden bearing in mind that we have a troop of about 20 monkeys that destroy everything. They have pulled out my dianthus but strangely enough the Violas haven't been touched. I believe that placing a spoon of sugar water in strategic places also attracts bees?

- Vicky Jacklin

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