Growing Beans - dwarf, also French beans, Bush beans

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25 Apr 20 Nameer (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
My French dwarf bean seedlings have light green to yellow coloured leaves, I thought they were looking anaemic, now theyve developed grey brown spots in all the leaves. They're in potting mix, I recently sprayed them with iron chelate, they get about 5 hours good sun daily. Any suggestions welcome thanks.
27 Apr 20 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I live sub tropical Bundaberg and I find that the bean fly hits beans in the autumn, so I grow mine in the spring. I'm on the look out to find out what to put in the soil or on the plants to stop the bean fly.
06 Jan 21 Dan (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Have you tried making and applying garlic spray yet? Ive heard it works well to deter all chewing/sucking insects (and powdery mildew!). I would think it might also deter pollinators though, but this wouldn't be a direct problem for beans as I understand they self pollinate as the flowers open.
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